I am going to start selling off part of my Star Wars autograph collection. Here is how this will work, you see something on the page that you like you email me. And we can work out a deal, pretty much all the cards on this site are fair game with the exception of Evolution and Finest autographs.

NEW Oct. 20th Amy Allen (Aayla Secura)
John Altman (X-wing Pilot SW:SE)
Bob Anderson (Darth Vader Stuntman)
Kevin Anderson (Author)
NEW Oct. 20th Phil Appleton (Rebel Pilot)
Ed Asner (Jabba the Hutt / Radio Drama)
Pernilla August (Shmi Skywalker)
Mark Austin (Boba Fett SW:SE)
Kenny Baker (R2-D2)
Shannon Baksa (Mara Jade)
David Barclay (Jabba the Hutt)
Lightning Bear (Stunts)
Den Beauvais (Artist)
Ahmed Best (Jar Jar Binks)
Bob Berger (Ody Mandrell / Various Video Game Voices)
Alisa Berk (Amanaman)
Don Bies (Figrin D'an / Boba Fett ROTJ SE)
Jerome Blake (Various EP1 Characters)
Paul Blake (Greedo)
NEW Sept. 1st Caroline Blakiston (Mon Mothma)
NEW Oct. 20th Brian Blessed (Boss Nass)
Bruce Boa (General Rieekan)
Michonne Bourriague (Aurra Sing)
Paul Brooke (Rancor Keeper)
Phil Brown (Uncle Owen)
Ralph Brown (Ric Ollie)
Jeremy Bulloch (Boba Fett / Lt. Sheckel)
Matt Busch (Artist)
Dave Carson (Gamorrean Guard)
Silas Carson (Various EP1 Characters)
Bunny Carter (Artist)
Michael Carter (Bib Fortuna)
Norman Chancer (Hoth Soldier)
John Chapman (X-wing Pilot)
Howard Chaykin (Artist)
Dalyn Chew (Lyn Me)
Doug Chiang (Production Design)
Hayden Christensen (Anakin Skywalker)
Ken Colley (Admiral Piett)
John Coppinger (Jabba the Hutt / Various EP1 Characters)
Sadie Corre (Ewok)
Michael Cottrell (Evan Piell)
NEW Oct. 20th Dermot Crowley (General Madine)
Michael Culver (Captain Needa)
Anthony Daniels (C-3PO)
Oliver Ford Davies (Sio Bibble)
Warwick Davis (Wicket W. Warwick / Various EP1 Characters)
Maria de Aragon (Greedo)
Denny Delk (Various Voices)
NEW Sept. 1st Ayesha Dharker (Queen Jamillia)
Peter Diamond (Stunt Coordinator)
NEW Oct. 20th Matt Doran (Elan Sleazebaggano)
Dave Dorman (Artist)
Lyndsey Duncan (Voice TC-14)
Phil Eason (Yaddle)
Joel Edgerton (Owen Lars)
NEW Sept. 1st Robert Edlund (Special Effects)
Mike Edmonds (Logray, Ugnaught, Jabba's Tail)
NEW Oct. 20th Ronald Falk (Dexter Jettster)
Margarita Ferrell (Ewok)
NEW Sept. 1st Sandi Finlay (Sly Moore)
Carrie Fisher (Princess Leia)
Harrison Ford (Han Solo)
Shelagh Fraser (Aunt Beru)
Stuart Freeborn (Creature Designer)
Nick Gillard (Stunts)
Rusty Goffee (Jawa / Kabe)
NEW Sept. 1st Joss Gower (Stunt man)
Julian Glover (General Veers)
Alec Guiness (Obi Wan Kenobi)
Garrick Hagon (Biggs Darklighter)
NEW Oct. 20th Mark Hamill (Luke Skywalker)
NEW Sept. 1st Howie Hammermann (Jabba's Sounds)
Alan Harris (Bossk, Various others)
Jez Harris (Jabba the Hutt)
Jerry Harte (Hoth Controller)
NEW Sept. 1st Michael Henbury (Ewok)
NEW Sept. 1st Don Henderson (General Tagge)
Drewe Henley (Red Leader)
Philip Herbert (Hermi Oodle)
Christine Hewitt (Brea Tonnika)
John B. Higgins (Artist)
NEW Oct. 23rd Barrie Holland (Imperial Officer)
John Hollis (Lobot)
NEW Oct. 20th Gerald Home (Squidhead)
Bill Hootkins (Jek Porkins)
Samuel L. Jackson (Mace Windu)
James Earl Jones (Darth Vader Voice)
NEW Sept. 1st Colin Kitchens (Various Cantina Voices)
Nalini Krishan (Barris Offee)
Keria Knightley (Sabe)
Kurtz sisters (Jawa)
NEW Oct. 20th Michael Leader (Stormtrooper)
Denis Lawson (Wedge)
NEW Sept. 1st Wendy Leech (C3PO Stunts)
Richard LeParmentier (Admiral Motti)
Ian Liston (Wes Janson)
Daniel Logan (Boba Fett)
Toby Longworth (Various Voices EP1)
Angus MacInnes (Gold Leader)
Lewis Macleod (Sebulba)
Peter Mayhew (Chewbacca)
Ewan McGregor (Obi Wan Kenobi)
Jack McKenzie (Hoth Soldier)
Brandon McKinney (Artist)
Ralph McQuarrie (Artist)
Chris Moeller (Artist)
John Morton (Dak)
Temuera Morrison (Jango Fett)
Merced Ngoh (Rystall)
NEW Oct. 20th Rena Owen (Taun We)
Frank Oz (Yoda)

Ray Park (Darth Maul)
Chris Parsons (4LOM, K3PO)
Michael Pennington (Moff Jerjerrod)
Joe Phillips (Artist)
Toby Philpott (Jabba the Hutt)
Bonnie Piesse (Beru Whitesun)
NEW Sept. 1st Gregg Proops (Fode)
Dave Prowse (Darth Vader)
Katie Purvis (Ewok)
Hugh Quarshie (Captain Panaka)
Mike Quinn (Nien Nunb, ReeYees various others)
Clive Revill (Emperor Voice ESB)
Shane Rimmer (Rebel Technician)
Tim Rose (Adm. Ackbar, Sy Snootles)
Alan Ruscoe (Various EP1 Characters)
P. Craig Russell (Artist)
Steve Sansweet (Author)
Marc Sasso (Artist)
Leslie Schofield (Chief Bast)
NEW Sept. 1st Andy Secombe (Watto)
NEW Oct. 20th Hassani Shapi (Eeth Koth)
Michael Sheard (Admiral Ozzel)
Felix Silla (Ewok)
NEW Sept. 1st Colin Skeaping (Stunts)
NEW Sept. 1st Jimmy Smits (Bail Organa)
Stephen Spiers (Captain Tarples)
Hugh Spight (Jabba the Hutt)
Michael Stackpole (Author)
Terrance Stamp (Chancelor Valorum)
Drew Struzan (Artist)
Peter Sumner (Lt. Pol Treidum)
Tom Taggart (Artist)
Benedict Taylor (Naboo Pilot)
Michelle Taylor (Yarael Poof)
Femi Taylor (Oola)
NEW Oct. 20th Jack Thompson (Cliegg Lars)
Phil Tippett (Special Effects)
NEW Oct. 20th Cy Town (Imperial)
Margaret Towner (Jira)
Burnell Tucker (Rebel Commander)
Daniel Wagner (Special Effects)
Howie Weed (Wampa)
Dominic West (Palace Guard)
NEW Sept. 1st Paul Weston (Stunts)
Billy Dee Williams (Lando Calrissian)
Treat Williams (Hoth Soldier)
Simon Williamson (Max Rebo)
Friday Wilson (Decoy Queen)
Hal Wamsley (Jawa 2nd Unit)
Jason Wingreen (Boba Fett voice)
Timothy Zahn (Author)
Multi Signed Items
Bounty Hunters / Bad Guys
Jabba's Dancers
Good Guys Episode 1
Imperial Officers
Darth Vader (Voice and Body)
Pod Racers Voices
Falcon Crew ROTJ 
Special Section
Star Wars Finest Set
FINALLY WORKING!!! Episode 1 Widevision Series 1
Star Wars Evolution
Star Wars Evolution (Autographed Inserts)
Alphacon Items